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Telerik Academy’s 2024: elevating in-demand skills for a competitive future

2024 was an year of transformation for Telerik Academy and you - our learners. Have a look at the key milestones that defined our common journey.

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15 Years of Bold Decisions and Life-Changing Impact: Your Journey with Telerik Academy

At the end of 2024 Telerik Academy celebrated its 15 years birthday - a period in which more than 3,500 of you have entrusted us with your dreams, and together, we’ve turned them into reality. Read more on the real impact we've achieved together.

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2 years later: Alpha Graduates' Professional Path at DHL Freight ESS

We met with Borislava Georgieva, HR Manager to learn more about our graduates' performance, career growth and contribution to the company.

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From Telerik Academy Alpha to EGT Digital: To achieve something, you must put effort into it

After 12 years as a printing press operator, Kiril decided it was time for a career change. From Telerik Academy Alpha Java to an IT career - read his story!

From the Push to Master buddy group in Alpha C# to a successful IT career

Two months after graduating from Telerik Academy Alpha C#, Yoanna started her first IT career as a C# developer. Learn what helped her achieve her dream.

ST6: The untraditional company that wants to invest in Bulgarian IT talent

ST6, one of our partners, is a self-management company that doesn’t have managers or bosses - an excellent environment for junior talent growth. Learn more!

12 years Telerik Academy: Winning people's trust with uncompromising quality

Check our interview with Ina Dobrilova, who helped build the Telerik Academy brand and was among the people responsible for its growth for almost 12 years.

How we redesigned our website [and won two awards for it]

Here's how and why we decided to redesign our website - an interview with Polya Vassileva, Telerik Academy's Creative Director, about the challenges and the lessons learned.

Magi's story: Achieving a dream job in IT with C#

Magi choose Alpha C# as her next step towards an IT career and graduated from Telerik Academy in December 2020. Less than a month later she received three job offers and today she is a Software Developer. This is his story.

In the media

Bulgarian company homes in on technological niche

In Bulgaria, where demand for qualified IT specialists is now outstripping the available supply, Telerik promotes itself as the only company in the country that offers free training courses. In 2009, it set up an academy for software engineers. So far 510 have enrolled — though not all stay the course — and the annual intake is rising. This year about 1,000 started the program, of whom Telerik plans to hire about 150.

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