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Unveiling Success: Kris's Path to Mastery in UX/UI Design

From freelancing to navigating digital agencies, Kris's story is an inspiration about the power of dedication and curiosity.

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Daniel Rankov, Telerik Academy Upskill: DevOps is a collaboration towards a shared goal

Today, DevOps is adopted in almost every business vertical. As a result, there is a high demand for well-prepared DevOps experts. Learn more about the role and how to become one with Telerik Academy Upskill.

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2 years later: Alpha Graduates' Professional Path at DHL Freight ESS

We met with Borislava Georgieva, HR Manager to learn more about our graduates' performance, career growth and contribution to the company.

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Ivaylo Vrabchev, SoftwareONE: DevOps engineers are one of the most sought-after professionals

We talk about DevOps with Ivaylo Vrabchev, Head of Professional Services at HeleCloud, AWS Ambassador, and Telerik Academy Upskill DevOps guest trainer.

How to start a career as a Product Manager in IT

Hear what our alumni have to share about Upskill Product Management - the first-ever comprehensive PM training in Bulgaria, and learn how the course helped them to make a career change.

Why does your developer career need React? Our alumni share

It's easy to make the first steps but to master React, you must invest a lot of time and effort. Lucky, there's a shortcut - Upskill React. Learn more about the program from our Upskill React alumni.

How Philip turned his passion for design into a successful career with Upskill UX/UI

Philip applied for the Upskill UX/UI Design program to gain hands-on skills needed to start his UX/UI career. 3 months later, he got a new job as a UX Designer. How? Learn his story.

“React gave me freedom of expression”, Alex Kondov, lecturer at Upskill React

Meet Alexander Kondov, a principal Engineer at News UK, writer, software craftsman, and guest lecturer at Telerik Academy Upskill React! He can't wait to share his experience with you, but first - we asked him - why React?

The Role of the Product Manager: 8 Questions (and Answers)

We answer some of the most frequently asked questions about the Product Manager profession - why is crucial for the success of software products, what qualities do you need to be a successful PM, and how you become one. Read all the details.

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