Making a leap from construction to the IT industry ​


Making a leap from construction to the IT industry ​


Russi Russev

Rusi Rusev graduated from Telerik Academy Alpha with JavaScript in May and shortly after that kickstarted his first IT career as Junior Front-End Developer at Gtmhub. His university education and professional experience, however, were in an entirely different field. Rusi has a master’s degree in “Structural Engineering” and worked in the construction industry for a while. When he felt the need for a change, he turned to Telerik Academy to successfully switch careers.

The crucial step towards a new career
Reflecting on his own experience, Rusi shares that Telerik Academy’s professional program for software engineers is perfect for everyone who wants to gain and improve his or her technical, professional and personal skills.

“From day one at Telerik Academy Alpha I knew I’ve had made the right decision. The trainers are 100% dedicated to providing students with the best possible education and preparing them to meet and exceed the expectations of their future employers. Last but not least, the Academy partners with many successful companies which are an excellent employer for every graduate.”

Probably because he hadn’t yet found his true passion, reading and studying weren’t among Rusi’s favorite activities before joining Telerik Academy Alpha. Everything changed once he was accepted in the program.

“We were taught how to study more efficiently – and this has helped me a lot ever since. I realised I actually love to learn and read and if I don’t do it often enough, I feel like I’m doing something wrong.”

Finding the right place and team
Being among people who share his values, goals and mindset is crucial for Rusi. He believes he has found many such people both at Telerik Academy and at work.

“I think I am in the right place at the right time. After graduating from Telerik Academy my life keeps getting better and better. I’ve never been so satisfied with my job. To be honest, even in my wildest dreams I’ve never imagined I would be so happy.”

Today, Rusi is part of Gtmhub – an ambitious startup offering a leading intuitive OKRs platform that has experienced triple-digit customer growth and is quickly expanding its team. The company is part of Telerik Academy’s partner network and nearly half of its software engineering talent comes from the Academy.

„Gtmhub is a local startup that operates like great companies worldwide do. Everyone in the company is passionate about his job and gives his best to contribute to the company’s success. The leadership know their objectives and how to achieve them.“

Among Rusi’s responsibilities as a junior developer are to fix, create and improve product features, while offering a great user experience to all customers. In addition, he creates documentation to help next newcomers on-board even faster. Even though he is still a fresh recruit, Rusi already works independently, proposes ideas about new features and improvements and implements them.

“We’re very happy with Rusi’s performance - he started delivering results in his very first week at work. Gtmhub is one of the few companies with production grade solutions based on cutting edge technologies like microservice architecture, Golang, Kubernetes, Angular, React to name a few, so having fresh talent that quickly gets into speed and starts bringing value to the team is crucial,” commented Momchil Mitev, VP of Engineering at Gtmhub.

Advice to the new students
“You’ve made the right choice. Don’t get disappointed or discouraged when you meet obstacles on the way, you’re poised to succeed at Telerik Academy.”


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