Magi's story: Achieving a dream job in IT with C#


Magi's story: Achieving a dream job in IT with C#


Magi Nikolova graduated from Telerik Academy Alpha C# in December 2020. Less than two months later  she started a new career as a Software Developer. This is her story. 

Magi Nikolova_AlphaC#_alumni

"It was a great experience, and it was only the beginning!", shared Magi about the 6-month Alpha C# program and added:   

"Telerik Academy gave me so much more than knowledge. It gave me freedom. At the Academy I met wonderful people, developed my skills, and now I have the freedom to work what I’ve always dreamed of."  

Less than a month after graduating from Alpha C# she received job offers from three companies. And today, Magi is a Software Developer at Dreamix. Her passion and motivation to chase an IT career and the decision to join Telerik Academy Alpha C# were the fastest way to achieve her dream. 

This is Magi’s exciting story which will inspire you to follow your passion no matter what! 

Magi, you had previous experience with educational institutes before joining Telerik Academy. Why did you choose Alpha C# as your next step towards an IT career?  

Yes, that’s true – I went through several different educational organizations before joining the Academy. I choose Alpha C# because I was missing practical training and I wanted to experience the power of the community – studying together with like-minded people. At all the places before the Academy, I was studying alone, and I  didn't have the opportunity to work on any big hands-on projects. The teamwork was also missing, and the communication with the trainers was insufficient.  

Friends of mine who went through the Alpha programs told me about Telerik Academy, and I decided to try. After the first two weeks, it turned out I liked it a lot. (I was sure of my decision) 

Let’s take you a little back - what did you find most valuable in the Telerik Academy Alpha C# program? Which were the things that helped you land your dream IT job?

The power of the community! You have mentors who are always ready to help. The trainers, the fellow students and, of course, partnering companies  that were crucial for the after-graduation process and made it very easy to find an IT job.  

The transition from the Academy to the real working environment was seamless for me, and after the Academy, everything was so familiar. The way we built our projects during the Alpha C# program was the same as at my new job - even the titles we use are the same! 

Tell us one of the things you've been able to accomplish since Alpha C# that you're most proud of? And what did you learn about yourself during the training you didn't know before? 

I am incredibly proud that I moved to the next level at my job after only 6 months at my new job, and now I'm a Mid-Level Developer. 

During the program, I learned that I could keep studying and working smart and avoid  burnout. I improved my perseverance skills, something I missed before the program. It gave me great strength to keep on going and learn something new every day. 

What are the most valuable lessons you learned during Alpha C# (besides the technical skills) that you apply in your daily life to this day? 

Without a doubt – everything from the soft skills sessions. It was especially helpful for me to learn how to give feedback and how to be my best version during job interviews. All those skills (besides the technical ones) are crucial for the working environment. 

What advice would you give to our new Telerik Academy students? 

Everything happens very quickly, and you don’t even realize how much you learn every day! You never lose your motivation because you are surrounded with people like you, eager to learn and have a successful IT career.  

Try it because you have nothing to lose, only gain. I did it, and I was very pleasantly surprised. 

Are you ready to take on your journey to a successful IT career? Then don’t hesitate and apply to Telerik Academy Alpha with C#. 

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