2024 was an year of transformation for Telerik Academy and you - our learners. Have a look at the key milestones that defined our common journey.
Read the storyAt the end of 2024 Telerik Academy celebrated its 15 years birthday - a period in which more than 3,500 of you have entrusted us with your dreams, and together, we’ve turned them into reality. Read more on the real impact we've achieved together.
Read the storyWe met with Borislava Georgieva, HR Manager to learn more about our graduates' performance, career growth and contribution to the company.
Read the storyRead our interview with Nikolay Stoyanov, developer at one of our partners - HedgeServ. Learn more about the company’s interview process, products, and what makes Telerik Academy alumni stand out.
Read the interview with the Telerik Academy partner Tiger Technology - from working with NASA and the Pentagon to the importance of junior IT talent.
We talked to Zdravko Kostadinov, manager at one of Telerik Academy's partners, Schwarz IT, to learn about the role of Alpha junior talent and more. Check it out!
Meet Childish, a Telerik Academy partner and a foundation-owned company which combines the powers of Data Science and Software Development.
From a few IT enthusiasts to 580+ employees in 14 years. How did one of the newest Telerik Academy partners Strypes achieve such growth? Read our interview!
Meet EGT Digital - one of our newest partners! Read our interview with Alexander Botov, CEO of EGT Digital, to learn more about the company, its products, and the importance of Master Junior Talent.
In Bulgaria, where demand for qualified IT specialists is now outstripping the available supply, Telerik promotes itself as the only company in the country that offers free training courses. In 2009, it set up an academy for software engineers. So far 510 have enrolled — though not all stay the course — and the annual intake is rising. This year about 1,000 started the program, of whom Telerik plans to hire about 150.