Starting an IT career 20 days after Telerik Academy Alpha JavaScript


Starting an IT career 20 days after Telerik Academy Alpha JavaScript

Alexander Yanakiev applied to Telerik Academy Alpha JavaScript with the belief that this program could hold the key to his successful future realization.

Fast-forward, 6 months later, Alexander graduated from the program at the beginning of September. By the end of the same month, he had already started his IT career at one of our partners CleverPine.

photo of alexander yanakiev a telerik academy alpha graduate now a junior cloud engineer at cleverpine

“I felt great about accomplishing something that big“, shared Alexander about that moment. Today, he feels happy at CleverPine as a Junior Cloud Engineer, and we were excited to talk to him about his Alpha JavaScript journey - from his first steps to the successful start of his IT career.

Choosing Telerik Academy Alpha JavaScript

Alexander has always been interested in technology. After graduating from Sofia Vocation High School of Electronics John Atanasoff (SPGE), his next step was the University of National and World Economy in Sofia. Now, Alexander is in the second year of his Bachelor’s degree in Business Informatics and Econometry.

“I didn’t have any professional experience,” explained Alexander. He needed more practical experience, and that’s when he decided to apply to Alpha JavaScript.

In the program, Alexander experienced what it was like to study in a real-world-like environment while building his tech and soft skills - something he pointed out as crucial for his quick career start by strengthening his work ethic.

“It’s a well-rounded program! We had technical training but also soft skills sessions. It was interesting to learn about topics such as barriers to communication, cultural differences, and PM methodologies.”

The hands-on nature of the program is another thing that Alexander values highly and points out as crucial for his career start.

“We had time to practice everything that we learned. We worked on real projects in groups of two. We covered the back- and front-end of the application, which was especially helpful, and it made it easier for me to get up to speed when I joined my first project at CleverPine.”

The most valuable skill gained at Alpha JavaScript

For Alexander, it was everything from soft skills to technical lessons, which the trainers made easy to understand and fun learning.

But if he had to point out just one thing, it would be the knowledge “how to approach the problems in the best way possible“, as he described it.

“It’s something that helps me to this date because, in programming, there are many ways to complete a task. And finding the right information and choosing the right approach to achieve the desired outcome faster and easier is the key,” shared Alexander, and summarized his time at the Academy as a “definitely a good investment!”

Joining CleverPine

After graduating from Alpha JavaScript, Alexander started looking for his first IT job. He really liked the hiring process at CleverPine and described it as super-fast and straight-forward.

“I had just one face-to-face interview with the CEO of the company and the hiring manager. They were extremely friendly and were making jokes the whole time“, remembered Alexander.

Because of the friendly environment, he wasn’t afraid to share that he preferred to work on the back-end, despite the interview being about a Junior Front-End Engineer position.

“I was impressed! They considered this and redirected me to the Head of the Back-end team. The very next day, he contacted me, and within days I received a job offer. Accepting it was an easy decision for me,” shared Alexander.

Working at CleverPine

“The company definitely stands out with its attitude towards its employees. That’s the first thing one notices here, and one of the main reasons why I chose CleverPine,” shared Alexander, and added that the managers listen to the people and seek their feedback, everyone is really friendly and always willing to help - regardless of their position - managers, mentors, or colleagues.

Alexander is motivated to be as much as he can at the office because of that, but also because the office is cozy, as he describes it, and with many plants.

And what about his daily responsibilities?

Currently, Alexander works on an actual client project - his manager assigns him tasks in Jira (an agile project management tool), and together they go through the details.

“I like working here! I feel involved in the whole process, which greatly motivates me. I participate in the daily standups that we’re having on a company level, but also the daily meetings with the client, demos and sprint planning.”

Recently, Alexander had to investigate and analyze an issue in a software functionality - a dive in at the deep end.

“It was a challenge, but I loved it, as it helps me develop my skills much faster!”

Alexander’s advice to future Alpha students

“Never give up, even when it’s hard - it will get easier over time. Choose wisely your future employer, as the people you surround yourself with are key for your further development“.

Are you ready to take on your journey to a successful IT career? Then don’t hesitate and apply to Telerik Academy Alpha JavaScript!


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