From Architect to UX/UI Designer in 3 months with Telerik Academy Upskill


From Architect to UX/UI Designer in 3 months with Telerik Academy Upskill

Career-changing is becoming just as common as switching jobs and depending on the industry you're coming from and the one you want to build a career into, you may be able to make the transitions easier. Of course, you will have to learn new skills and build knowledge in the field you are interested in, but some professions are more related than you may expect. 

One of the common examples we have seen (since our first UX/UI Design program back in 2019) is architecture students or specialists working in that field to choose a career change toward UX/UI Design. Why?  

Architecture and UX/UI design share some fundamental similarities that make it easy to transition from one industry to another. According to ZDNet, an architectural mindset is well suited for UX design. They understand to design anything properly, one must first understand the problem: “UX designers are digital architects, and we can all learn from each other." All this make switching from architecture to UX much easier.

That's what Pepa Garkova did. Today she is a UX/UI designer at Cobuilder, а job she landed soon after graduating from the 3-month program Upskill UX/UI Design. But her professional way starts elsewhere – in the Architecture, Engineering And Construction industry. 

What created the need to change her career path and how Telerik Academy Upskill UX/UI Design has helped her, learn from her story! 

Тhe admission for Upskill UX/UI Design is open! You still have time until July 9 to apply for the free pre-course and increase your chance of being admitted into the UX/UI program.

Hi Pepa, thanks for sharing your story with us and the readers! Let’s start from the beginning - when did you first decide you wanted to pursue a career in UX/UI? 

My career path started from a completely different field: construction and architecture. Even before I finished my studies as an architect, I discovered UX design and was attracted by the various problems it solves. It was the multiple challenges that made me start training for that role. At my initial encounter with the field, everything seemed unfamiliar to me. Still, over time I discovered more and more similarities between architecture and the digital world. 

Why did you join the Upskill UX/UI Design program? 

Before choosing Telerik Academy, I gathered all sorts of information from Bulgarian and foreign sources, took different courses, reached different depths. The result? I had formed a real mess in my head. So, I was looking for a way to systematize all the information and to even build upon it.  

What did you find most valuable in the program?  

For me, it was the opportunity to be part of a team going through an actual end-to-end development process to be challenged. The collective efforts, knowledge sharing, and the guidance of mentors and trainers was the thing that helped me upgrade my knowledge in the right way. 


What have you achieved since graduating from Telerik Academy UX/UI Design?

A few days after the Upskill UX/UI Design program, I had an interview at the company I now work at as a UX designer. At Telerik Academy, I realized that I could be a designer contributing to business development. 

This is great! Can you tell us more about your current job? What are your key responsibilities? 

I'm spending my first days in training figuring out how to apply all the design methodologies I know to the best use in the company's products. After the training, my work will help developers create products with a unified user experience.

What advice would you give to someone who thinks about becoming a UX/UI designer? 

Discover your talents and find the best way to develop and use them! Keep learning and you'll have the opportunity to achieve long-lasting results. 

Pepa started a successful new career as a UX/UI designer in the IT sector. Now it’s your turn. Make your single most important professional decision and apply for Telerik Academy Upskill UX/UI Design today. Power up your skills, start creating robust design prototypes, build an impressive UX/UI portfolio and supercharge your career. All of this in just 3 months.

Apply for Telerik Academy Upskill UX/UI Design by July 9 and increase your chance of being admitted with the free pre-course.


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