Telerik Academy helped me land a job as a CRM Marketing Specialist


“Telerik Academy’s Digital Marketing program helped me land my job as a CRM Marketing Specialist”

Picture of Kalina in front of pond in a park

A year ago, Kalina Ikonomova had little to no digital marketing experience. Today, she is a CRM Marketing Specialist at one of the most prominent Bulgarian software companies - Chaos Group. The company that won an Oscar in 2017 for its 3D rendering software V-Ray. So, what changed for Kalina in the past year? Well, she joined Telerik Academy’s Digital Marketing program.

Kalina, it’s nice to talk to you again! We know that you have some great news but can you share it with our readers?

Likewise! Yes, absolutely. As of recently, I am a CRM Marketing Specialist at Chaos Group. For those of you who may not have heard of it - this is one of the biggest Bulgarian software companies, and I think it is the only one among them that has an Oscar award.

Is your new job a result of the Telerik Academy Upskill Digital Marketing program?

I am convinced that the knowledge I gained in the Academy helped me land this job. Before the course, I had little to no marketing experience. I had some marketing classes in both my bachelor’s and master’s programs at university, but I lacked any practical experience if you don’t count the short intern that I went through during my university education.

What changed? Why did you decide to pursue a career in the marketing industry?

I’ve always been fond of the marketing industry because of how dynamic and interesting it is. The introduction of the internet, the evolution of our devices and the rise of social media, opened a whole new world where marketing mostly lives now.

What is more, digital marketing gives flexibility and freedom to the ones who master it.

Why did you join Telerik Academy’s Digital Marketing program?

My work at the time had nothing to do with marketing, so I was looking for education of the highest quality. Telerik Academy’s name is a guarantee for world-class standard in the educational field, and I knew that if I put my trust in the Academy, I will receive what I was looking for.

I was not disappointed.

Kalina and Ina Toncheva, program's lead trainer, in front of panel with Telerik Acacemy's logo during graduation

What did you find most valuable in the program?

The most valuable thing for me was the practical approach to each topic. The content was delivered by experts in the field, teaching the latest industry insights and giving the actual tools they work with.

Each lecturer was inspired and excited about their field of expertise, which transferred to us – the students. Last but not least, the selection of students from diverse work and educational backgrounds enriched my experience.

Please tell us in a couple of sentences why you would recommend the Digital Marketing program to other professionals?

The Digital Marketing program gave me a well-structured approach to handling modern marketing problems and equipped me with the right tools to do so. The program not only answers the question of How but also Why something is done in that particular way, encouraging critical thinking.

In other words, Ina Toncheva and her team of passionate and experienced professionals gave me the road map to becoming a digital marketing specialist. I recommend this program to everyone who is looking to jumpstart their career or boost their knowledge in the digital marketing field.

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