Marin Dimitrov, Uber: Telerik Academy gives us access to fresh tech talent with in-depth knowledge


Marin Dimitrov, Uber: Telerik Academy gives us access to fresh tech talent with in-depth knowledge


We sat down with Marin Dimitrov, Engineering Manager at Uber, to talk about  the office in Bulgaria, plans for the team here and the role Telerik Academy plays.

uber - marin dimitrov at telerik academy

What are the main responsibilities of Uber’s office in Bulgaria?
Uber set foot in Bulgaria four years ago. Back then we were the company’s first software development office outside of the US.

Our team is responsible for a crucial business element for Uber. We develop solutions that track, analyze and report the financial transactions for all company services. Uber operates in 80 countries – each of them has different financial and accounting requirements and regulations. Hence, our solutions must be very flexible to address all of them.

What are the plans for the Bulgarian office?
Today, our team is one of the fastest-growing teams at Uber worldwide. Our plans in the long run are to continue to grow and expand. One of the steps in this direction that we have already undertaken, is to open more internship positions. We also made the program available throughout the year, whereas previously applicants could only participate during the summer.

Could you tell us more about your internship program?
Every intern joins a specific team right from the start. At first, he or she would start building up knowledge about the specific product and platform he/she is working on. Our more experienced employees have the responsibility to help all interns and make their integration in the team easier and learning curve steeper. We are happy to see that the feedback for the program has been excellent.

What skills are you looking for in a candidate?
We expect candidates to be motivated and willing to constantly learn and improve. Also, we look for people who have in-depth knowledge in a specific programming language, so that they could be independent within the team. These include but are not limited to fundamental computer science skills as well as knowledge of data structures and algorithms.

telerik academy alpha students at - uber bulgaria

Why did you choose to partner with Telerik Academy?
Our work with Telerik Academy gives us direct access to new specialist with in-depth programming training, who are just starting their careers and are interested in the most cutting-edge technologies. In addition, we use our partnership to further position the Uber Engineering brand in Bulgaria and create valuable contacts.

The entire process of getting to know the Telerik Academy students is very well organized. Each phase is planned way in advance – what needs to be done, what kind of information must be shared with them, and what events have to be organized. This saves time for the companies and offloads some of the talent acquisition burden.

What would you advise people who are now starting to learn to code?
Approach coding with the attitude that learning will be a never-ending process. This is what makes the software industry so special - every five years completely new trends and technologies emerge. Work never gets boring.

Also, don’t underestimate internships. They will help you get familiar with the company right at the start of your career, gain valuable experience and decide whether you want to continue to work in it in the long run.

telerik academy alpha students visit uber

Last but certainly not least, remember that your career development is your responsibility. Plan what you want to achieve over the next 6 months. What are the new technologies you want to learn and what projects to implement? The same needs to be done for a longer period, for example the next one to three years. What are the skills you lack today and working for what type of companies will help you gain the necessary experience? Otherwise, you will be drifting with no direction and only get where the flow leads you.

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