3 experts share: how to keep up with digital marketing trends


3 experts share: how to keep up with digital marketing trends

It is no secret that the digital world is constantly evolving. New technologies and trends emerge daily and change how businesses connect with their customers.  

So, today it's even more difficult for marketers to stay ahead of the curve and be competitive.  

But who can accurately predict what's around the corner in an ever-changing world? No one knows everything that will happen. 

What you can do to stay on top of marketing trends and adapt to the changes fast is to learn new skills and master new techniques continuously.  

Just like Bozhana, Aleksandra and Georgi did. They wanted to keep up with the digital marketing trends, and this decision led them to our 3-months program Telerik Academy Upskill Digital Marketing

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For Bozhana and Georgi, the opportunity to learn from leading marketing professionals' experience and know-how helps them become full-stack digital marketers. For Aleksandra, the program was not only a chance to boost her skills but her career, as she started a new job soon after graduating from Upskill Digital Marketing

Hear what they have to say about Upskill Digital Marketing.

Before we dive in, just a quick reminder – you can still apply for the 2023 edition of the program until January 22!   

Meet Aleksandra Kostadinova, Marketing expert at Generali Bulgaria   

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"For a long time, I denied that digital marketing was necessary. But at some point, it was inevitable, and I faced the fact that I couldn't do my job effectively without it. I realized that if I want to develop myself and be competitive, digital marketing is something I can't continue without. So, I applied for Telerik Academy Upskill Digital Marketing." 

We asked Aleksandra to share what was the most valuable aspect of the program for her. Here's what she shared:  

"I chose Telerik Academy because of the promise to work on real projects, which happened. When you can apply the theory in practical situations, see the results of the solutions you implement, and study the behaviour of real users, it is truly valuable, and this knowledge remains. The connection to real businesses and the contacts during the program are also helpful. We still keep in touch with the people from the program, the managers of the companies we met, and our trainers." 

Meet Bozhana Ivanova, Manager at Resonate Co-innovation Hub 

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"Things change weekly in the digital world, and I needed to validate my knowledge, expand it and learn new tools and practices - that's how I got to Telerik Academy Upskill Digital Marketing", shared Bozhana and added: 

"The trainers at Upskill Digital Marketing are leading industry experts, and this is one of the most valuable things. Because yes, you can watch video tutorials, read forums, and search online, but the process will happen much slower that way. The experts in the program will show you the best tools, give you their hacks from many years of work, and save you so much time wondering what to do. During the program, you will work in small groups with your colleagues, so you help one another with the projects and learn from each other." 

Meet Georgi Minev, Editor-in-Chief at Money.bg   

"Before the Upskill program, I had no previous digital marketing experience. Still, I needed to learn more about optimising and delivering the content I had been creating for years in my job as an editor." 

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Because of the 3-month program Upskill Digital Marketing, Georgi achieved his goal: 

"The program gave me a marketing mindset – it gave me ideas on how to act in certain situations, supported and built on my confidence that whatever I create as content, I can distribute it to many places and many people. All the skills I learned during Upskill Digital Marketing are valuable for people like me who create more content than think about distributing that content." 

Advice from the Upskill Digital Marketing alumni 

"My advice is to seek ways to develop constantly. One of the ways to do this is through Telerik Academy Upskill Digital Marketing. The program will give you a solid foundation to build on, and with all the tools and resources from the trainers, you will be one step ahead", shared Aleksandra. 

"The digital environment is ever-growing, and this affects all professions. The sooner you learn those skills, the better (and easier) for you", added Georgi. 

Here's Bozhana's advice for you: 

"The more effort you put in, the more you'll get as a result of your professional development. During the program, you will meet amazing people, become part of a great community, have fun, and, most importantly, you won't waste your time." 

Now it's your turn! Join Telerik Academy Upskill Digital Marketing and become a full-stack digital marketing professional. Admission ends on January 22.   

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