Life at Telerik Academy Alpha: Tung Do and Deyan Atanasov


Life at Telerik Academy Alpha: Tung Do and Deyan Atanasov


In a series of blitz interviews with our students, you will get a taste of the life and environment at Telerik Academy. Today we meet with Tung Do and Deyan Atanasov.

Tung, 24, has a degree in Finance and Accounting. Before he joined the program, he worked in data processing and accounting in two international companies. Deyan is 32 and has a 2-month old daughter. He has wide experience in business process outsourcing and he used to work with large Bulgarian and international companies, mainly in the ICT sector.

deyan and tung - telerik academy

Both Tung and Deyan had no previous programming experience, but they decided to change careers and join the most promising industry in Bulgaria. They are now part of the 6-month Telerik Academy Alpha software development program. Tung specializes in .NET technologies, and Deyan is part of the JavaScript track.

Why did you decide to take part in Telerik Academy Alpha?

Tung: I was looking for the fastest way to start my career as a software developer. The program covers all of the skills and technologies that companies are looking for in a junior developer.

Deyan: I chose Telerik Academy because they are an established leader in providing high-quality training for software engineers. For several years I've been thinking about switching careers, but I could not dedicate a whole year to it as was the old duration of the program. So, as soon as I learned about the intensive 6-month training, I discussed it with my family, left my job and embarked on this new adventure.

With what experience in programming did you start your training in the program?

Tung: Apart from the preparation for the entrance exam, I did not have previous programming experience. For me, programming is the ability to solve problems by using code. I think each of us has always been trying to solve specific problems. Writing code is just one of the tools that helps us in this process.

Deyan: I did not have any programming knowledge prior to applying to Telerik Academy Alpha. As with everything in life, you cannot know if something is right for you unless you try it. I began to prepare for the entrance exam with the Telerik Academy online materials and with every new video lesson, I felt more and more intrigued by the matter.

Why did you choose Telerik Academy for your professional training?

Tung: I chose Telerik Academy because it has a proven record as an educational organization which creates top IT talent.

Deyan: Because the feedback I’ve heard about the program has  always been 100% positive. After going through the self-study course for the entrance exams, I was sure the Academy was the right place for me. I saw first-hand the great approach and teaching methods of the trainers.

What do you think is the most valuable element of the program?

Tung: Тhe people. I haven’t only gained solid technical knowledge, but I have also made many new friends. I have found people I can turn to for advice and with whom I can share my ideas.

Deyan: I like everything - from the people who are passionate, strongly motivated to succeed, and always ready to help a colleague struggling with coursework; through the approachable ; to the soft skills courses, exams, and team projects that replicate a real-work environment and real business problems.

Would you recommend Telerik Academy Alpha?

Tung: Yes! The friendly environment, solid technical training, and soft skills courses are a small part of the advantages of the program

Deyan: I would recommend the Academy with both hands because the program is undoubtedly high- level. Here you do not only cover the basics, but you also dive deep into details and specifics which allow you to get an idea of why and how things work in practice.

Learn more about upcoming Telerik Academy Alpha program and how you can apply.


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